About the


What truly describes a person is neither primarily the virtue of physical qualities, nor possession of talent and success, but the display of true love – the perfect love of God in his/her heart. This summarizes Sandra Tapia.

The love of God is the character of Sandra and the foundation of all her virtues. That love is what this foundation reaches out to the poor, as revealed in Proverbs 31:20: “She opens her arms to the poor and extends her hands to the needy.” Also, Matthew 25: 35 – 36 Says, “For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.”

Also, Sandra is absorbed with a heartfelt love full of compassion for the hungry, taking after Jesus showed compassion to those who were hungry, and asked his disciples to serve them god meal – Luke 9:16 – 17, “…Then he gave them to the disciples to distribute to the people. They all ate and were satisfied, and the disciples picked up twelve basketfuls of broken pieces that were left over.”

Jesus gave bread to the hungry, preached good news to the downcast, mended broken hearts, gave glory to the afflicted, gave joy and removed mourning, gave a mantle of joy instead of an anguished heart, and restored lives devastated by ruin – That’s who Sandra Tapia is through her mission. 

The Bible describes in Philippians 3:8, the real sense of worth and passion for a vision of life, beyond any glory and human success, saying, “And certainly, I still consider all things as loss for the excellence of the knowledge of Jesus Christ, my Lord…” This is the meaning of Sandra Tapia’s existence, as she leaves other things behind as a loss to obtain the excellence of Christ.

The excellence of Christ in her life has been the drive behind her dedicated life to God, passionate service to people, the noble service of faith, becoming an ambassador of the good news of the Gospel to the world. She is moved by great compassion for the most vulnerable, children, and the poor.

Thus, she focuses her passion on a well-defined mission: To protect, comfort, and lift the most vulnerable and needy. Her life and testimony reflect the pure love of God in her heart, demonstrated in her faith, works, and dedication to the poor children in Haiti.Finally, by preaching the Gospel and bringing bread to the hungry, she has embraced God’s plan for her life. She loves God, lives for Him, and believes that others can also live this way.

Each person has a mission on earth: Queen Esther, David, and other great people had it; they discovered it and dedicated their lives to that mission. In the same vein, Sandra Tapia had it, discovered it, and dedicated her life to Illuminating Lives Foundation.