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When you donate to the causes of a charity you believe in, it does not only benefits the charity, but also benefits the people who are in a severely vulnerable state, and most importantly, it benefits you – the donor. When you give to a charity, you are helping individuals, communities, and nations. Those who constantly give to our charity to support our causes always testify of the positive effects it has on their lives.

Some positive effects of donating to us include:

1.         Helping to transform many lives of the needy. The world we live in is not perfect, and there is no perfect time to give.  Yet, there countless people out there who are seriously in need of your help. Of course, many factors may affect people’s finances, but giving in hard times count more to God, who will not hesitate to give you abundance in return. Whether the interest rate is rising, the economy of the country is unstable or down flying, or maybe you are battling with financial difficulties in your economy, donating your resources will help someone in a critical condition. Your donations are the reason some underprivileged in sorrow are laughing. 

2.         Teaching your children to be generous. Children learn from us, consciously and unconsciously. When you donate, you are showing your children the importance of giving to the needy. Meanwhile, teaching your children to help the needy is one of the most important lessons of their lives. As they watch you give, they will grow to understand that giving back to the people is a good thing in life. In other words, donating to charity helps you to be a role model for your children. Your giving actions will motivate them to give.

3.         Providing you a means of showing gratitude. The daily hustle and bustle of life can make you forget to show God gratitude for all the blessings you have received. Many programs are being executed by our foundation that presents you with the opportunity to give back to the one who has blessed you with a good life. Giving people living in abject poverty and vulnerable conditions is a way to appreciate God for the simple things of life you have access to easily. Also, seeing people in a critical lack condition makes you realize how much you have and motivate you to express your gratitude.

4.         Motivating your family and friends. When your family members and friends know that you are donating to a charity to support a cause, it may motivate them to make every necessary effort to donate.  Each of our actions counts; they speak louder than our voice. It takes only a few people to change some critical issues affecting a community, nation, or the entire world. Your giving attitude will instill passion into your friends and family, and that’s a positive and tangible effect of your donations. Sometimes people are willing; they need someone to take the lead.

5.         Stirring up happiness in you. Knowing that you are helping others empowers you makes you feel happy and fulfilled. Donating to charity boosts a good mood. Donating also gives you a sense of responsibility and compassion. The old saying is true that it’s truly in giving that we receive. When you give, you receive inexpressible joy in your heart. Knowing that you are part of the hands that helped a community or nation be free from poverty and backwardness feels great!

How we are using your donations to transform lives

The vision came from God; we can’t but do according to what he instructed us to do. Naturally, at Illuminating Lives Foundation, giving is our habit; it’s our life. Over the years, we have blessed several communities and countries with food, clothes, educational supplies, free medical care, and so much more.  For every cause, we have a separate program that focuses on each problem facing the people living below the poverty line.

We have an orphanage that trains children in the way of the Lord, give them quality education, feed them with quality meals prepared under a very strict hygienic condition, give them beautiful clothes, play tools, and other necessities. Separately, we frequently organize food programs that provide food for both adults and children.

We also have a clothing program that focuses solely on distributing top quality modern clothes to several families that cannot afford to buy. Our medical programs concentrate on providing people with free professional medical care. We constantly organize quality educational programs that are mainly for supplying schools with educational materials, training teachers to improve their skills, donating school uniforms to primary and secondary school students, and more.

We pay visits to prisons to attend to the needs of the inmates through our specially designed Prison visitation program. Our men and women empowerment programs have taught many people new skills and vocations, thereby providing them the opportunity to create their wealth. Many families are now financially buoyant due to the training they undergo in our skill acquisition programs.

We help older adults in various communities in terms of care and daily provision to improve their health and help them live longer in comfort. We also built a church to allow worshippers to gather and express themselves to God.

Many of our donors thanks us when they see how judicious we have managed their hard-earned money and resources to transform the lives of so many people who were once underprivileged and helpless.

You don’t need much money, such as thousands of dollars, before you can donate to our cause; only a token can help save the world. When it comes to giving, every little bit helps.